Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Basics

Like I said, I'm 19 and I go to Utah Valley University (YAY for overachievers!). I work a lot, it seems like my whole life is spent at work or watching fifa '09, it is riveting. Oh yes, i work at, drum roll please, Barnes and Noble, now carrying new super indie accessories, prefect for spring. I am insanely sarcastic and most people think I'm funny. I am a SUPER nerd and if you know me you know that I'm not just saying that, don't let my appearance deceive you!! haha. I did debate all through high school thus, I fallow politics but I'm not into politics. People get WAY too into something that is not going to change no matter how angry they get or how many they argue with. I am kindAdd Image of a fatalist when it comes to such things, but I am an optimistic fatalist. Don't judge and yes, I just said that, I am very aware that it is an oxymoron but it is what I am. I just know that everything we know is going to die, break, or possibly explode at some point, but I'm optimistic about it! :]
This is me:

There is a boyfriend so sorry all you young bachelors haha. His name is Brian, he's 21 and from Cali Cali (I am aware of how cool i seem when i say things like cali cali, thank you). He also goes to UVU, he studies business, and he lives with some really cool roommates who, i have the pleasure of seeing on a daily basis. Though they are usually playing fifa I still can enjoy their company. They go by the names of Roah (Jordan), Gabe, and don't forget, Anon (the cutest dog ever that doesn't look like a rat).

Brian for all you folks at home:

Oh and there is the matter of my best friends. There is the infamous Courtney Thayer who i love sososososo much. She is probably the funniest person I know and together we make a trifecta of humorous power!!! We have had some very good times together, it is always an adventure. Though we have been forced to get grown up jobs and not sit and do crazy things we are still pretty funny.
Ladies and Gents, Courtney:

There is also the matter of my sister to be discussed. Her name is Autumn i LLOOOOVVEE her, we are a year and five months apart, and either you think that we look exactly alike or nothing alike. Oh well.. So she is funny, serious, and very smart. She speaks french, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, and of coarse English. She also spent a year in Italy. I live with her once again and i don't think that she has worn a single bit of her own clothing since.. hahaha..i just have cute clothes i guess. ;)))
This is herr:

(and cera but i reallllly liked this pic)
and yes, i had purple hair.

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