Thursday, March 19, 2009


Okay, the start of my fashion section of my bloggage.
Well the first thing that you need to know is that:
1) I am a poor collage student who works two jobs to support herself so i have little money to be spending on oh so wonderful clothing...which is very, very, absurdly sad. (i cry about it ;] haha)
2) That I am not only super poor but i live in Utah... and not just Utah but Orem, Utah which is no fashion capitol...of anything. I mean even SLC (Salt Lake City) isn't large by any means. So as Fashion resources go they are far and in between you have to really look for those hidden gems. Also the Orem/Prove area has two universities so LOTS of trendy kids are in those same stores looking to be super cool and find all those gems i was talking about.
Don't get me wrong, i love living in Utah (minus the almost-absurd liquor laws), it is beautiful! We have mountains, forests, deserts, red rock, caves, rivers, lakes, the best snow on earth, and well, everything when it comes to outdoor act ivies. Plus its just a pretty chill place, very up-and-coming with Park City and Sundance (if you don't count the Mormons).

The Salt Flats

Park City

Wasatch Front (mountains and forest)

Best Snow on Earth

The Red Rock and Desert

Our biggest City? Sadly, yes, this is SLC.

I kid you not, these are all real pictures of Utah, as you can see it is beautiful but not too many people..or shopping. I mean we just barley got our first Anthropology and Urban Outfitters... And no H&M to speak of, not even the ability to order off the Internet? (Luckily i have stalked up).


So you may imagine that if THAT is our biggest city then where do you find cute clothes?

At places like these, my friend:

They don't look like much, but within these humble thrift stores lye the keys to being fashionable in Utah, i mean we have to work with what we got, ya know what i mean? Places like these plus little boutiques, mixed with forever 21 is pretty much what we have. But i think that we compete pretty well, considering.

So now that I'm done explaining myself its time to show you what I've got eh?

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